So you think you can write?????

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Well, The Future Project is introducing the long-awaited YOUNG WRITERS NETWORK CREATIVE CLASSES!
1)      Do you think you can write?
2)      Do you want to be a good writer?
3)      Are you writing things at the moment for which you need direction and polishing?
4)      Do you want to find out how to get your material published?
5)      Do you want to know how and where to make an income from writing?
6)      Do you want to intern with the hottest media and publishing houses in the country?
That’s exactly what we are about! Come and learn from Nigeria ’s most accomplished writers and writing teachers at the Young Writers Network Creative Classes starting in Lagos in April 2010.
The lecturers for this session include:
Bola Atta (Editor, True Love West Africa )
Jeremy Weate (Editor, Cassava Republic )
Muhtar Bakare, (Publisher, Farafina)
Tolu Ogunlesi (Winner, CNN/Multichoice Journalist Awards)
Tunde Aladese (Scriptwriter, Tinsel on Mnet)
Karen King-Aribisala (HOD, Department of English, University of Lagos )
and others.
The classes run from April to June, with Internships running for a month in between.
To apply to be part of this life-changing opportunity, send a 300-word essay titled: Is Writing Now Irrelevant? to BEFORE Wednesday, 24 March 2010.
A)     Only 20 spaces are available so apply early to stand a chance.
B)     You must be aged 30 and below to be a part of this.
For more information, call 08022226712.
The Young Writers Network Creative Classes


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